Been there done that? The familiarity of struggle when it comes to finding the right development team capable of living up to your expectations is something that a lot of app developers struggle with. Regret usually happens when the app developer chooses to hire a remote React Native developer that doesn’t live up to their expectations or in some cases, even does a terrible job when it comes to developing the app. However, there are a few guidelines that can be followed in order to avoid this from happening again.

React Native for mobile app development

Before finding the right React Native development partner, it is important that you are sold out in using React Native as the framework for your app. Here are a few benefits of React Native and how to spot a good development partner.

1. Reusable components

React Native developers have the advantage of using reusable components that can be utilized in order to bypass the need for extra work. With this particular framework, each element from Android and iOS can be leveraged and even reused. The benefit of making use of pre-built libraries that are based on JavaScript will save the programmers a lot of time as they can easily skip the process of rebuilding the code repetitively.

When finding the right React Native development company, it is important to find a development company that is familiar with the different reusable components in order to smoothly use them during the development process. This can be seen through the company’s development history, namely how many apps they have developed and how long it has taken them.

2. Cost-effective

The more time that can be saved, the more money that can be saved. While most development companies get paid per project, those that use other frameworks generally take a longer time to develop the outcome. Saving money on development cost can be done even through time itself. Though the price may remain the same, the efficiency would mean that due to the extra time at hand, the available resources can be spent more wisely.

The trick is not how to minimize the cost, but how to save money. Working on a shorter budget does not always ensure a quality output. A possible solution is to pick the right company size. Bigger companies usually work with clients that are capable of paying more for something to be done.

Finding a smaller company, however, increases the chances of them focusing directly on your ideal application. This will result in more attention given to exactly what you want to have developed.

3. Convenience in development

Going back to React Native, working with the framework would give the programmers a bundle of different APIs which are both Android and iOS specific. There are also a number of different basic components that would allow programmers to take advantage of the particular development platform’s features just like its storage, camera, and contract.

Due to the convenience that React Native offers, it would be easier for you to know more about the app that is in development making it easier to understand and follow. Due to React Native being used, understanding the process would not be too complicated.

4. Performance improvement

Code Rendering. React native renders the code directly in native API. Due to similar reasons, the particular framework communicates along with the target components needed for Android and iOS. This would then render the code to the APIs independently. React Native uses a different thread from UI which would result in a higher performance score.

Better Performance. Basically, the simplicity of the framework allows for an improved performance. When developing the app, there might be a couple of things that would be taken away but the good thing is, there can also be a couple of things added. While being able to offer better performance is important, so is practicality in building the app.

5. Improved UI

React Native has all of the features of ReactJS aiming to improve the whole UI. This is definitely another advantage for developers. While working with the framework, the developers won’t need to know the whole native platform language. They will only need to be familiar with JavaScript as well as have knowledge in React syntax. The framework will allow programs to add native components easily as well to the code.

Better UI means a better user experience. The more comfortable a user is using the platform, the more likely the app will take off. However, simplicity on the UI’s end does not always mean simplicity on the developers’ end. This is why it is important to clarify the expectations and discuss with the development company how to reach them.

Tips on choosing a React Native development partner

There are a few things that can be done in order to find the perfect React Native development partner. Since there is no time for trial and error, especially for a project of an enormous size, it is important to find the right development company to avoid scratching the project altogether.

Here are a few tips on picking the right React Native development partner:

Check their record. Big or small, development companies must have a good track record to show clients. It is important to see which of their previous projects could fit yours in order to not only get more assurance but also get more ideas regarding the expected application.

Communication. It is important to communicate the idea to the development company and see if they can grasp what you are trying to create. Better communication makes a smoother project.

Reachability. How easily can the development company be reached? The easier the better. While working with a remote company might seem to be a problem, it actually is not as long as the communication process is clear.

Expectations. As part of the communication process, having the right expectations on both ends will allow the app to be created harmoniously.


ICTS is a Vietnam-based software development boutique that focuses on cutting-edge technologies. We help SMEs (small and medium enterprises) digitalize their business and handle the digital transformation in the most professional way, at a reasonable budget.

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